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Creating a personalized welcome packet for your wedding planning clients

Creating a personalized welcome packet for your wedding planning clients

Creating a personalized welcome packet for your wedding planning clients is a great way to make a strong first impression and set the tone for a successful working relationship. A welcome packet is a collection of materials that introduce your clients to your business, explain your services and policies, and provide important information about planning their wedding. In this post, we’ll discuss some tips for creating a personalized welcome packet for your wedding planning clients.

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3 Things Every Client Welcome Letter Must Have

client welcome letter must have

Landing a new client for your event planning business is an exciting moment. But that is when the real work begins. The first thing you need to do is send them a welcome packet. Within this packet is an important piece of paper, the welcome letter. The welcome letter is more than a hello to your client. This is a reassurance of your commitment to their event and the professionalism of your business. 

With that being said, there are three things that every client’s welcome letter must-have.  Leaving any of these out will result in a loss of confidence or a loss of professional appearance for your company. 

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